
Jesus fucking horrendous Christ

I thought there was no cultural activity going on in Kista compared to it's more vibrant neighbours. I was wrong.


The enemy is here! Dammit!


Dj Baccha said...

why are they the enemy?
dont like the word world music, is it because of that?

Birdseed said...

Huge topic. I spent ages polemicising against world music a few years ago and even started writing a book synopsis about it, which never got off the ground. Basically I deplore the institution more than the name.

Let's just take the english-speaking Caribbean as an example. What kind of music would a world music company put out? Certainly not Soca or Dancehall, because they're supposedly "westernized" forms (read also: working class music). They'd conciously look for/create a certain type of music, which is "authentic", sufficiently exotic and safely easy-listening, which ironically are all "western" values of what music should be like. Indeed, it will almost exclusively be promoted by European producers and record companies for a western market, while being performed by Caribbean musicians, making it a form of neo-colonialism.

What you guys are doing in contrast is bringing in music that's locally produced for the local population, without care for what rich people in the west think. That's good. And that's why world music is the enemy.